Taming a reaper ark
Taming a reaper ark

As of now she is targetting your Drake NOT you.

taming a reaper ark

A primed Queen will start glowing PINK.īut you are not quite done. Once you believe she is low enough on health turn off your light pet. One good smack of her tail can break a piece of hazard. Attack the Queen using your Drake itself or weapons on the back of it NEVER on foot. You can tell as they sizzle similar to a Vampire in the light. Queens take bonus damage and are weakened when a light source such as a lantern or light pet is on. A Reaper Queen MUST be lowered down to 2000 Health before she can impregnate you with her tail. This is where the magnifying glass will assist. This is when you get the Queen ready to impregnate you. Make sure your Drake is decently healed before this if it isn't jump up on the ledge and try to heal it up. The reason why again is to help prevent other wild creatures of getting in the way or other Queens coming to attack you. The Queen if you followed the steps to the vault will need to be lured back into that area. Dropping a Queen successfully down there and running will despawn and make a new one spawn back at the vault (this is a glitch of sorts though I discovered). This will take some cycling for a while this is where a weapon comes in as you can fire on the back or a Drake! There is also the option of dragging the Queen over to a ledge located further ahead of that large open area. It will get easier but we don't want to risk you dying due to trying to be a big shot. For a first time Queen I recommend settling for a 70-100 Level one if you want a higher level. If you walked into that area I guarentee within a few mins a Queen will run to you. It's kind of a adjust and adapt to when to have it on and off. This is because it is easier to move around as well as there being TWO healing plants located up the small hill on the right and a large ledge on the left.ĭo be mindful of the Seekers they love the light and are very aggressive if yours is on but keeping it off will gather nameless.

taming a reaper ark

I recommend going to the opposite way of where the crystals are along that path that leads to a wide open area. Memorize the area of the vault and walk back out now to the left and the right along these paths both have Queen spawns. The only downside is of course the radiation. It is completely safe at the top as NOTHING spawns on it. I actually set up a transmitter and bed at the very top here on my cluster for quicker access to this area. You will notice this path leads to two larger ledges almost looking like two large steps. You will know you are in the right area if you locate a small path to the left of a large group of mineable crystals. If those feathers go up make sure you are on a wall to avoid encounters with the Queen if you manage to get her attention just run she won't kill you that easily if your drake is as I recommended. If so skip to the next phase if not keep reading! You may try to get that one or go to the safe area by the vault. This means a Queen is near by! Look around for the dust cloud. These are a form of mutated creature that are located in the most extreme unliveable parts of Abberation. ○Reaper King = The tamed Reaper by a player through a form of child birth. Elemental Reaper Kings = Summoned by Rockwell during his boss fight.○ Subterranean Reaper King = Summoned by a large gathering of Nameless by the Nameless Alpha. The last type is a subterranean reaper kings which can be summoned anywhere nameless spawn.

taming a reaper ark taming a reaper ark

The last type is what you will locate on the surface which are surface reaper kings. The third reaper type is the elemental reapers found in the rock well fight which are also a type of King. Following this you will receive a Reaper KING. The one you will be encountering to get one is called a Reaper QUEEN. The Reaper breaks into a few different types. Let's learn a bit about this dinosaur/alien first. Which is actually not what you would assume. Hiya everyone on my recent poll the winner was of course as the blog says Reaper Taming.

Taming a reaper ark